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What Are Drink Driving Courses Like?

Drunk driver waving at the camera with his window rolled down

If you have been convicted of drunk driving, the judge may request that you complete a drunk driving rehabilitation course.

What are drink-driving rehabilitation courses like? We’ve compiled some facts about these courses and the type of things you can expect if you attend one.

You will learn all about drink driving and the law

During the course, you will learn all about the law concerning drink driving. This is so that you can be clear as to what is considered too much to drink before driving and what the safe limit is.

You will set goals to achieve change

The whole point of drink-driving rehabilitation courses is to educate the offender enough to encourage them to make a positive change to their drinking and driving habits.

Towards the end of your final course session, you will set goals to achieve change. These goals will be personal to you and vary depending on your offence and how much you feel you have learned during the course.

You may get back on the road early

If you choose to complete a drink driving course, your driving ban may be shortened, and you can look for drink driver insurance earlier.

However, this depends on the court ruling.

There are no exams

Contrary to popular belief, no exams are at the end of a drink driving course.

You do not ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ the course; you just complete it. However, you are expected to participate fully in the course discussions and show enthusiasm for your learning.

Failure to participate could result in your driving ban being re-assessed.

How long do drink driving courses take to complete?

Drink driving rehabilitation courses usually take around 16 hours, over three to four sessions.

 Facts about drink driving

  • If you have been out drinking, you aren’t necessarily sober enough to drive the morning after.
  • Driving or attempting to drive while drunk could mean you end up facing a prison sentence.
  • Approximately three-quarters of fatal car accidents that happen between the hours of midnight and 3 am involve alcohol.

Nearly one in six deaths on the road in the UK are alcohol-related.

If you have completed a drink-driving course, you may be ready to find drink-driving insurance, which we can, of course, help you with.