Is Insurance Affected By Gender?

In the UK, insurers considered gender when calculating premiums until 2012, effective 21st December, when the European Court of Justice’s gender ruling Act came into force, which stated that charging men and women different insurance prices would henceforth be considered illegal. This change has affected the field of car insurance the most, while the life […]

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How Much Do Penalty Points Increase Insurance Cost?

There are many factors that influence the cost of your car insurance. These factors can have both positive and negative effects on your premium. They include your occupation, the type of vehicle you drive, your claims history, and, importantly, any penalty points on your license. Having penalty points negatively impacts your insurance premium, as it […]

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The Most Annoying Things About Driving

Everyone likes to believe that they have amazing driving skills. As a result, we criticise almost every driver around us, pointing out instances of their queer driving habits. However, if we monitor ourselves closely, we will notice that many of us exhibit some typical bad driving habits. Given below are ten such annoying things about driving which […]

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What Would Brexit Mean For UK Drivers?

UK voters will make a life-changing choice on June 23rd, 2016, as they head to the polls to decide Britain’s membership in the European Union. As a part of the 2015 General Elections, Prime Minister David Cameron promised the European Referendum, and since 1975, this is the first time that the citizens of the UK […]

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10 Of The Biggest Car Myths

Car buying myths range from absurd to mundane and hilarious. While most of them are harmless and do not meddle with your knowledge of buying and maintaining cars, some other myths can make you lose both money and time. The ten biggest car myths below have been gathered after conducting extensive research on numerous car deals made every month, both […]

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Common Mistakes With Insurance

Taking out insurance premiums for your life, health, mortgage, vehicle, and business is an absolute necessity both by law and by your needs. However, as responsible as we are, sometimes a few insurance mistakes while buying and maintaining them cost us more than we anticipate. Below is a comprehensive list of ten mistakes one generally makes with […]

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Finding Insurance With Criminal Or Driving Convictions

After you have received a criminal conviction, driving conviction, or finished a driving ban, it can be difficult to find insurance. This is because all types of insurance prices are based on risk and the likelihood that the insurer would have to pay out a claim during the policy. Whether it is travel, home, motor insurance, or […]

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Most Expensive Car Accessories

Even though a number of us have an eye for what is plush and beautiful, only a handful can afford such exquisite spending. Car accessories continue to remain one of the most fastidious passions professed by many. Where alloy wheels, sunroofs, spoilers and sturdy engines are a common sight, the list below gives you an […]

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Tips For Road Trips

Road trips can fetch a lifetime experience down your memory lane. Those who have ventured on road trips before would agree that travelling by road can put together an unforgettable experience altogether, leaving you craving for the roads even after your trip is over. If you are one of those yet to hit the road and experience […]

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Why You Should Change To Electric Cars

In the UK, electrically powered cars have revolutionised the roads, marking the end of pollution, emissions, congestion, and road accidents. They bring a number of economic, social, and environmental benefits. The UK is one of the leading markets in terms of automobile research and technology, and the government is actively facilitating the testing and production […]

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