Drink Driving Statistics 2020

Nationally, drunk driving incidents have decreased over the years; we have included a table further down this page that shows this. Yet still, in 2017 alone, Brake.org.uk states that 250 people were killed in the UK as a result of drink driving.  As Drink Driver Insurance specialists, we are often keen to ask the public their opinion on drink driving in the […]

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Biggest Mistakes When Driving Abroad

Driving in a different country is always an ordeal that has to be well thought out beforehand. You must familiarise yourself with a number of things before you set out on this venture. Although it sounds easy, driving in a different country includes several changes that some people need to get used to to avoid getting caught. Documents Required When Driving Abroad […]

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Driverless Cars: Will They Work?

With news of driverless cars being rolled out on UK motorways in 2017, car owners are looking forward to exploring the possibilities of these futuristic self-driven wheels. As per the market reports, Chancellor George Osborne has confirmed that testing driverless cars in the UK will take a few months. The initial trials will be conducted on Bristol, Greenwich, Coventry, […]

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Deliveroo Statistics

The fast food and takeaway industry is very successful in the UK, and it continues to gain popularity. While many businesses struggled during the Covid-19 pandemic, some businesses thrived, as many takeaways capitalised on the higher demand for fast food. The story of the pandemic is more complicated from Deliveroo’s point of view. While ordering […]

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5 Worst Places To Drive In The World

For some lucky people, working in an office means waking up in the morning and sitting in the next home office room, whereas, for others, it means commuting to a place at a considerable distance away from home. In recent times, urban driving has become a cumbersome activity. City motorists in the UK spend an […]

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Best Driving Roads In Britain

The joy of driving is decided by the prowess of the person handling the steering and the road itself. Much to the pleasure of British car owners and drivers, Britain has some fines for driving roads. Are you fond of travelling across great roads whenever you have time? The article below offers an overview of the […]

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Top 5 Good & Bad Driving Habits

Driving a motor vehicle is not as easy as it may seem. A good driver is one who is steady, cautious, and perseverant. He has complete control over his vehicle at all times on the road. A bad driving experience can ruin your day. It can cause heavy financial impacts in the form of speeding […]

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Weird Driving Laws Around The World

In the UK, we all know that drunk driving and speeding are illegal. That is pretty straightforward. Other easily understandable laws are that you can’t use your phone whilst driving, and you must wear your seatbelt.  We searched the web to find some of the strangest and most obscure driving laws from around the world. Did you know that […]

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