What Does Totting Up Mean?

Simply put, ‘totting up’ is the accumulation of penalty points on your driver’s licence. If you build up 12 points within three years, you will be issued a totting up or ‘TT99’ ban. The length of the ban is up to the court’s discretion, but it can be lengthy, depending on the nature of the driving offences and how quickly the points were totted […]

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What Insurance Cover Is Recommended For Couriers?

Whether you’re an experienced courier or just starting a business, understanding what insurance coverage you need can be confusing. To simplify things, Insurance Revolution has compiled this quick summary of the different courier driver insurance options that you should be aware of. Courier van insurance with goods in transit cover Goods in Transit Insurance provides cover for when […]

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What Can Cause A High Breathalyser Reading?

The current English drink drive limit is 35 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath – which is confusing enough as it is before you begin to consider what factors, other than alcoholic drinks, can affect your blood alcohol content. As such, Insurance Revolution has put together this simple guide of what factors could […]

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What Is CMR Insurance?

CMR Insurance is a type of cover which allows hauliers and couriers to legally carry goods within Europe. CMR Insurance ensures goods carriers comply with the CMR Convention – ‘Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road’, in full – an EU law requiring goods carriers to produce a CMR consignment at […]

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Best Cars For Delivery Drivers

The survey Are you a good driver? We conducted our own survey of the public, asking them if they believe they are a good driver. We asked 1,375 people the following question; To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ‘I am a good driver’ Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree or disagree […]

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Can I Use My Personal NCB To Bring Down The Cost Of My Courier Insurance?

Most insurers will not allow you to use your personal no claims from a private car when trying to bring down the cost of your Courier Insurance policy. However, Insurance Revolution is different. We have managed to secure exclusive deals with several courier insurance providers, allowing our customers to use their no-claims discount to bring down the […]

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Do I Have To Redo My Driving Test If I’m Banned?

The short answer is that it depends. If you are banned from driving for less than 56 days, this is known as a Short Period Disqualification (SPD), and you will usually not have to retake your test. If you receive a short-term ban, your licence will be stamped by the court and then returned to you. The stamp will […]

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What Is Hire And Reward Insurance?

Hire and Reward insurance is a class of insurance that allows you to legally carry other people’s goods in return for payment. Van insurance with hire and reward cover is essential for couriers, hauliers, taxi drivers, furniture removers, and anyone who carries people or the property of others in exchange for a fee. Indeed, having Hire and […]

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What Happens If I’m Caught Driving Without Insurance?

Driving a motor vehicle in a public place without insurance is classed as a serious offence, and you will be issued an IN10 Conviction. IN10 convictions are issued to people who drive without having the minimum third-party-only cover in place. Third-party-only cover means that if you are involved in an accident with another person, your insurance […]

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Weird British Driving Laws: Truth Or Myth?

There are many anecdotes surrounding supposed ‘weird’ British driving laws—London cabs, for example, are allegedly required by law to carry a bale of hay at all times, and it is widely thought that men can urinate on the rear offside wheel of their cars, provided their right hands are on the vehicle. But how many […]

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