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Image of a car's dash cam
Most Expensive Car Accessories

Even though a number of us have an eye for what is plush and beautiful, only a handful can afford such exquisite spending. Car accessories continue to remain one of the most fastidious passions professed by many. Where alloy wheels, sunroofs, spoilers and sturdy engines are a common sight, the list below gives you an […]

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A normal car is parked on a city street
Tips For Road Trips

Road trips can fetch a lifetime experience down your memory lane. Those who have ventured on road trips before would agree that travelling by road can put together an unforgettable experience altogether, leaving you craving for the roads even after your trip is over. If you are one of those yet to hit the road and experience […]

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Car keys next to a spilled drink owned by a drunk driver
Drink Driving Statistics 2020

Nationally, drunk driving incidents have decreased over the years; we have included a table further down this page that shows this. Yet still, in 2017 alone, states that 250 people were killed in the UK as a result of drink driving.  As Drink Driver Insurance specialists, we are often keen to ask the public their opinion on drink driving in the […]

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Vehicle delivery or collections truck transporting a car
Top 10 Car Podcasts

Are you an avid podcast listener? If so, you would be one of many. In 2019, it was estimated that around 7.1 million people in the UK listen to podcasts each week, but last year, it was more than double that, as there were over 15 million podcast listeners in the UK. This number is steadily growing, […]

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Crashed car remains
Biggest Mistakes When Driving Abroad

Driving in a different country is always an ordeal that has to be well thought out beforehand. You must familiarise yourself with a number of things before you set out on this venture. Although it sounds easy, driving in a different country includes several changes that some people need to get used to to avoid getting caught. Documents Required When Driving Abroad […]

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Image of a Tesla electric car in the UK
Driverless Cars: Will They Work?

With news of driverless cars being rolled out on UK motorways in 2017, car owners are looking forward to exploring the possibilities of these futuristic self-driven wheels. As per the market reports, Chancellor George Osborne has confirmed that testing driverless cars in the UK will take a few months. The initial trials will be conducted on Bristol, Greenwich, Coventry, […]

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Fast food delivery order
Deliveroo Statistics

The fast food and takeaway industry is very successful in the UK, and it continues to gain popularity. While many businesses struggled during the Covid-19 pandemic, some businesses thrived, as many takeaways capitalised on the higher demand for fast food. The story of the pandemic is more complicated from Deliveroo’s point of view. While ordering […]

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Image of a man driving a business car while listening to music
Best Music To Drive To

What’s in a long drive if you don’t have your favourite track playing along? Whether you are driving with that special person sitting beside you, enjoying a trip on your own, or having a fun drive with your gang of buddies, your car’s sound system must be in the most upbeat condition. So, what’s the […]

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