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What Insurance Do I Need As An Uber Driver?

Insurers treat the vehicles used by Uber drivers like private hire taxis, which means you will require Private Hire Vehicle Insurance.

Private Hire Vehicle Insurance is a specific form of Hire and Reward cover. Hire and Reward is a class of insurance that allows drivers to carry other people’s goods in return for payment legally. Uber, taxi, and bus drivers require a special form of Hire and Reward Insurance that allows them to legally transport members of the public in return for a fee.

All the coverage you require as an Uber driver is incorporated within a Public Hire Vehicle Insurance policy and is the industry standard recognised by all employers. You cannot work as an Uber driver without Private Hire Vehicle Insurance. A taxi insurance policy can come in many forms, so it’s always worth exploring your options to ensure you’ve selected the most appropriate optional extras to suit your needs. 

For more information or a quote, visit our Taxi Insurance page.